have butterflies in the stomach

Have Butterflies in the Stomach?

Had butterflies in the stomach recently?  Just think about the glamorous affair of the Oscars. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of movie actors, directors, producers, sound technicians, costume designers, and many more ‘movie makers’, young and old, dressed in their finest, ready to applaud the best and support their own. Some were in the running to win the ultimate…

overcome the obstacles

Commitment To Self-Care. How to Overcome the Obstacles of Life

Extract from “In Stillness Conquer Fear” Caring for oneself is a life-long project — a kind of challenge to live well. Like a strong marriage, good health and a good life do not ‘just happen’ as many might hope; we must be prepared to work at achieving this state. So in the serious desire to overcome…

Stillness Meditation for Students Melbourne

Stillness Meditation for Students

By Kaye Hakopian As we move further into the school year many students experience stress ~ the difference between problems faced and the ability to cope. For adolescents it is not only the challenge of keeping up with work deadlines and looming exams, but also worries about being ‘ left out ‘ academically and socially.…