How do we really communicate?

How do we Communicate

Within this image, I find interesting contradiction:  here is a magnificent sky – an  artist’s dream – offering shades of orange, apricot, gold and misty blue through to turquoise and filled with cloud stories that offer a mix of serenity, joy, peace, hope, turmoil and maybe the threat of storm.  Yet dominating the picture is the massive satellite tower!  Fashioned from metal, rigid of necessity and visually eclipsing nature, it generates the power required for we humans to technically communicate with each other.

Yes, we enjoy technology.  It’s remarkable.  It’s functional.  It’s useful.  It’s almost reliable.  But in this world cluttered with devices, gadgets and related ‘stuff’ that brings into being all that spills from the communication tower…

…maybe we are not truly communicating with each other at all.  

We can text and email, trawl the web and exchange images ad infinitum but maybe we know deep down, that technology leaves something wanting.

Human communication is an abundant, natural life-giving resource.   From the development of language, the gift of speech and a time when pen was literally put to paper, we can communicate in ways that surpass other life forms – and surpass technology.    We can reflect, discuss, explain and project possibilities.  We can share (from the heart) feelings, actions and reactions.  We can assist ourselves and others to grow through fears, ideas, joys and sorrows, humour, laughter and tears, wisdom and creativity, art and literature and ultimately, our human expression of love.   

3747446.jpgBut there’s more:  our verbal messages, while achieved through articulation and diction, also include the non-verbal:   the tonal and emotional quality and volume of voice; and the physical postures, movements, gestures and facial expressions at the time.   No amount of emojis can meet that criteria!

And now another very important communication skill! The power of touch.  A simple handshake can offer a profound indication of connection, confidence and trust while sometimes perhaps, the handshake provides the opportunity to convey sincerity, emotion and discretion.

The touch of compassion too, is significant.  When someone is distressed, a reassuring hand on the shoulder to calm and encourage, can bring a level of comfort when words fail.

3747447.jpgSo what about hugs?  A genuine hug is a precious gift.  Family hugs always bring families together but especially in good times and in times of distress. 

Where human hearts become linked in powerful communication, alas, there is nothing in technology to truly offer that. 

And the further step that goes without saying – people grow, people meet, love awakens, love becomes relationship and is further expressed in the epitome of human communication.

My thoughts this month are a prompt to simply say let’s not forget that human beings are representative of a manner of being far deeper than technology can ever provide; a manner of being where  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual attributes merge as one to dignify us as to who we truly are.

Pauline McKinnon © 2023