What Stillness Offers

Anne (not her real name) was first introduced to this premier practice by the master himself, Ainslie Meares. In this newsletter she shares her experience to help others discover this unique style of meditation and its life changing benefits. “I commenced some 40 years ago with Dr Meares. As you know, I have continued the…

Stillness Meditation Therapy Consultancy

a time to prepare a time to strengthen a time to let go Letting go into naturalness … a very different style of meditation In this, Stillness Meditation Therapy, the full meditative experience is beyond the relaxation of the body and mind, beyond the transcendence of discomfort.  What is it then?  Is it something strange…

Just be still

Programs for your wellbeing Welcome to all our clients, to newcomers and to all our regular visitors.  And a special welcome to those who return – sometimes with the words … I was going really well so I let my practice lapse … or … I did what you taught me for a while and…