SMT drug antidote

Recent weeks have brought wide publicity around the negative effects of prescription medication. Firstly the media targeted the ill effects of the tranquilliser, Xanax.  In the following week the offending drug was the anti-depressant, Efexor (ABC 7.30 Report 23rd July) said to increase the problem of gambling.  A week after that, “Accidental addicts” on the SBS Insight program.  These reports also coincided with pre-Olympic fever and public awareness of yet another problem, that of athletes’ reliance on performance enhancing drugs.

These are recurring themes in the papers, radio and TV and on-line which seems to indicate that such problems are not being properly addressed.

As one who knows exactly how it feels to live with the symptoms of anxiety, I have always held that prescription medication, used wisely, is almost invariably necessary for a time of relief.  For a time of relief!

Let’s put this quite simply.  If we have a headache or a bad cold it’s quite reasonable (even encouraged!) to take medication – usually over-the-counter type relief.  If we get the ‘flu then we may need prescription medication.  With rest and some symptom relief we recover and life is restored to normal.

If we fall victim to anxiety – or ‘stress’ as it’s often expressed in common parlance – then we may well need some prescription medication to alleviate the symptoms and provide some relief.  But at this point, the ‘wheel falls off the wagon’.  Anxiety is not quite as straightforward as the ‘flu.

The sufferer is bewildered and alarmed by the range of symptoms.  This increases fear which of course increases anxiety, so his or her symptoms escalate.  The medical practitioner consulted (who knows what the ‘flu feels like but only very rarely knows what anxiety feels like) is usually over worked and only informed by the pharmaceutical company.  A prescription is issued and so begins a journey of drug dependence with the added risk of long term side effects, and prolonged misery for the anxiety sufferer as we have seen in the various media reports.  My experience with clients over the last 30 years confirms this.

All the while the one important thing that’s missing in treating anxiety or stress is that little word – rest.  We’re happy to advocate rest for the ‘flu but fail to notice the need for rest for body, mind and spirit – the result of an overworked mind; which is why anxiety has occurred, anyway.

But the rest required is not just going-to-bed-with-the-‘flu type rest.  My books explain all this and also why it is so necessary to find rest of another kind in the experience of Stillness Meditation.  In short, there’s nothing wrong with using a crutch occasionally.  But for long term ‘cure’ anxiety must be understood and acted upon differently.

These stories on drug dependency (prescription and otherwise) and side effects are always grim and hopeless and rarely do they offer a solution or alternative choices like the practice of Stillness Meditation Therapy.  Yes, we need the media to continue to bring these stories out in the open, but equally we need attention to be given to choices and options for a natural solution.   SMT may not offer a quick solution or improvement as a pill will do very temporarily; but it is a viable, lasting, long term option – with no negative side effects.  I know it on a personal level and I know it from many,  many clients who have also experienced its therapeutic effects.  I’m sure you, too,  know the many benefits of regular practice of SMT.  I urge you to share this story with family and friends, on social media and in any other way you can so that we can create a different, more positive outlook for all those seeking a way out of drug dependency.

As for the athletes and similar performance seeking ‘junkies’ – what’s wrong with being true to yourself?  In the whole of life there’s always going to be someone who is bigger, better, stronger, faster, smarter, and wiser that we ourselves can ever be.  Yes, it’s great to win.  But for heaven’s sake, make it a genuine win!